Last week was cold and snowy. That prompted me to make a big pot of chili on Friday evening. I made the usual veggie chili recipe from the White Grass cookbook. It uses carrots, celery, onion, wheat bulgur and pinto beans as the main ingredients. Tomatoes and tomato puree too, of course. It was the best chili I've ever made. I have no idea what I did different. I've made that chili several times, but this time it was the bomb. Yum. Even the kids ate some!
Olives invited our family and the Getto-Dillons to a dinner party on Saturday evening. It turned out to be a big meal of Cooking Light recipes from the current issue. Everything was delicious. Olives made a spicy shrimp and coconut soup, spicy tomatoes and shallots, vegetable curry and coconut rice. I made a ginger angel-food cake with coconut frosting. It was quite a meal. As I mentioned, all of those recipes can be found in the current issue of Cooking Light.

Even though it was sunny and warm yesterday, I made another big pot of soup. This was a spicy peanut and eggplant soup from V-con. I was a little concerned that it wouldn't be that great, but holy smokes! It was delicious. One of the best soups I've made, I'd say. It will definitely be making another appearance around here.

Yesterday Sleek found a vegetarian cookbook in the cupboard. It seems we'd sort of forgotten about it. We sat down and looked through it, and DANG! Damn near every recipe in there looks off-the-hook. I can't wait to start making some things from it. I was a little disappointed that I'd already planned all my meals and done the shopping for the week! Next week, everything I make may come from that cookbook.
At this point, I can't even remember the music I've listened to over the last few days. Must not be anything new. LOL Sleek and I did order tickets to see Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova (The Swell Season) in Baltimore in May. It's just one week after the Radiohead show we're going to. Looks like May is going to be pretty sweet. Can't wait!
Just a head's up: I had to turn on the feature that makes you type in some random letters before your post shows up. I was getting spammed left and right.
This soup was criminally good, DM. You've really been pushing us out of our zone of familiarity with unexpected blends of flavors, and it's been awesome.
You're funny, Sleek!
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